U505 Submarine Building Block Set - Web Only Exclusive

U505 Submarine Building Block Set - Web Only Exclusive

$64 /
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On May 24, 1941 the German Kriegsmarine launched U-505, a type IXC submarine, also known as a U-boat. During her three years of operation, U-505 was responsible for the sinking of seven vessels with a total of 44,962 gross register tonnage lost over the course of twelve patrols. U-505 was captured on June 4, 1944 by Allied Task Group 22.3 commanded by Captain Daniel V. Gallery, making U-505 one of only 6 U-boats to be captured during World War II.

After the war U-505 would go on to become a museum ship at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois where she remains today.

Built Product Dimensions: Base = 2" W x 6" L x 4.5" H / Model = 2" W x 15" L x 4.5" H

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